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    The best place to apply for an apprenticeship is our very own website

    We work with employers across the whole of the North East, not just in Gateshead, helping them create the best vacancies and get the best apprentices to fill them. Our team work hard to cover Gateshead, Newcastle, South Tyneside, Sunderland, North Tyneside and Durham engaging with employers and selling the benefits of recruiting an apprenticeship.  This means we could have a vacancy right on your doorstep. It might be the case that you are looking for an apprenticeship that we do not deliver such as plumbing, electrician or construction. If this is something you are interested in then the best place to start is the governments Find An Apprenticeship website. All apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on this site. You can search for specific vocations, Job titles and locations. You can apply for apprenticeships on this site or some might direct you to another site to apply. The other place you might like to look is Indeed. This is a very familiar website for job seekers so it might be that you are more comfortable on Indeed as you are familiar with it. A word of warning is that not all apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on Indeed. Usually when you apply for an apprentice you will be contacted by phone, text or email by the training provider who are responsible for the recruitment. Many training providers who work with employers will carryout the recruitment so don’t be put off if you get a call from somebody who asks you a question about your application but is not the employer. If you apply for one of our apprenticeships at On Point then once you have completed our 60 second application form you will be contacted by email for some more information. Once you have submitted this you will then be contacted by our recruitment team who are mostly apprentices themselves. You will be asked to attend an online or face to face meeting. If you don’t attend then you will not be put forward for apprenticeship interviews. This meeting is very informal and is designed to get some additional information from you such as experience, school grades, your skills plus more. If you are suitable for the role then you will be put forward for a real interview with the employer. Then it’s up to you to go and impress them to win the interview.

    On Point Team
    Post by On Point Team
    August 18, 2023
